Our Leading Officer Selection Process

Lead Star Security prides itself on our officer selection process that provides our clients with quality, reliable security personnel. We have a “quality before quantity” approach in which less than 10% of those who apply for employment are even considered. We believe that quality is the foundation to building quantity. We have developed our own comprehensive approach to officer selection known as the Lead Star Process (LSP).
Throughout the LSP Process
We identify the key characteristics that reflect our culture and position-specific security needs for our clients. We translate these into a customized recruiting profile and behavioral interview questions that ensure our management that the officer aligns with our organizational standard and requirements and your security needs.
From new hires to experienced supervisors, all Lead Star officers undergo pinpointed, ongoing, and on-site training. Lead Star is not satisfied with meeting the minimum training requirements. We believe by raising the bar of training, we will be able to provide a higher quality service to our clients.
Lead Star places a strong emphasis on the supervision and management of our staff, coupled with client account management. Site Supervisors, Field Commanders, and upper management will conduct random and unannounced inspections to assess the appearance, demeanor, performance, and knowledge of responsibilities and/or duties of our security officers.

Application and Interview
Written Application Submission & In Person Interview Process
Personality, Aptitude, and Drug Screening
Lead Star Indoctrination
Our Culture, Our Beliefs, Our Mission, Our Protocol & Procedure
Get started with Lead Star today
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See How Lead Star Officer Selection Process Compares
With The Rest Of The Competition
Lead Star
The Rest
30+ Years in Law Enforcement Experience
Reliability You Can Count On
Tailored Customer Service
Probably less
Quick Response Time
Why chance it?
Provides Peace of Mind
Who knows?

See How Lead Star Compares With The Rest Of The Competition
Lead Star
30+ Years in Law Enforcement
Reliability You Can Count On
Tailored Customer Service
Quick Response Time
Provides Peace of Mind
The Rest
Probably less Experience
Why chance it?
Response times? Who knows?